1) Just because everything fits in your suitcase, does not mean that it will magically weigh the correct amount. Sadly.
2) Damn you, Nicholas Sparks.
3) I am charming Japan one lady at a time. Watch me go.
Would you like some explanation? Okay, let's go!
Yesterday/today/approximately 20 hours ago I embarked with mi madre on the early morning car ride to BWI. Just before doing this I sat on my largest suitcase, zipped it up, and then waited until I was practically out the door to weigh it. Which was a huge mistake (I can see you shaking your head, mother dearest) because my suitcase weighed a whopping 84.7 pounds, a full 34.7 pounds over the amount allowed. Which means that I spent the ride to the airport alternately dozing and pulling extraneous pairs of shoes out of my suitcase. When I checked in it was still 8 pounds over but after removing another pair of shoes and a huge jacket or two I got it down to 49 pounds. Nothing like starting a trip with some excitement.
As for Nicholas Sparks, there are several guilty pleasures aboard airplanes (minds out of the gutter, children). Mine are the little movie screens where you can do anything listen to J-POP from the 80s to "exercise in the small space you have" aka while sitting down, and the airplane food. I know, what is wrong with me? Airplane food is just always so cute and if not always tasty the presentation makes up for it. But getting back to Nicholas Sparks, I took the time to watch some movies that I would not pay for, like Prince of Persia (an ode the ancient Persian art of parkour) and The Last Song. Yes, the Last Song. I think the darkened airplane and the fact that 5 of the people around me were watching the newest Karate Kid made me feel better about this, but what I want to curse Nicholas Sparks for is the fact that I actually kind of teared up during the movie. And not just because Miley Cyrus was in it. I blame it on the jisa boke, aka jet lag.
めっちゃかわいいね~ And finally, my new friend! She's well on her way to Nagoya now, but she sat in the same row as me during the long flight. After I asked the flight attendant for tea in Japanese "お茶下さい” she kind of started to take care of me, making sure that I filled out forms and helping me with the food, etc. (Don't worry, she didn't have to open food for me.) We said our goodbyes on the plane but lo and behold, after I navigated around Narita Airport looking for a Softbank (a cell phone company) and asking for directions in Japanese, I looked up from my laptop in the waiting area to see my sort-of plane buddy! She sat and had a nice conversation with me, and turns out she's from Brazil. It was really nice to have a conversation in Japanese, even if I only understood part of it. Okay, so more like half. But still.
So, 2 posts so far about my adobenchaa! Aren't I feeling ambitious? Until next post, みんな。
<みんな minna: everyone... お茶下さい ocha kudasai: tea, please>